
AstriCon Comes to the Sunshine State

Posted . ~6min read.

First, some history.

I attended my first AstriCon back in 2008 and somewhere, I still have my Skype for Asterisk button. At the close of the conference Digium asked for comments—I suggested that the convention look at Orlando, Florida.

Back then, I traveled from Michigan (the dating Yeni period), yet I still maintained a strong bias for Florida. I thought (with the exception of Australia/Asia) Florida could provide both a convenient travel point (for both International and domestic travelers) as well as combine the possibility of a family vacation in the Sunshine State.

Seven years later, AstriCon 2015 granted my wish and I attended Astricon2015 in beautiful Orlando, Florida. »

Asterisk (The Definitive Guide) 4th Edition Review

Posted . ~3min read.

Fred reviews the newest book about Asterisk, the open source PBX. »

OpenCNAM for Asterisk cidnam lookup

Posted . ~2min read.

Long ago, in a world much different from today, one could check, anywho, and even google for Caller ID names. Those days are gone my friends. It’s slowly becoming a pay to play world…

I just played with a solution from OpenCNAM that was pretty freaking simple. There’s a negativeit ain’t free. The cost is nominal… $0.004/lookup. That means that $10 will get you 2500 lookups.


Astricon, here I come!

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Fred Posner @ Astricon 2009 It’s October and that means I’m going to Phoenix! Astricon, the meet-up of Asterisk users / developers / fans / etc, starts October 13th, and this year I received the honor of presenting. »

Telemarketers Schmelemarketers

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]GRRRRR Telemarketers! Today I posted some recordings I made using something I like to call the “Annoyatron.” Basically, using Asterisk (the open source Internet Telephony software) allows me to handle incoming calls based on a variety of issues. »

Geeky Item of the Day – Free CNAM

Posted . ~5min read.

Ok, if you use Asterisk (or a Do It Yourself type VoIP service), you sometimes do not receive the CNAM (think Caller ID with Name data) from your carrier. Well, since geeks like information and anything “free,” there’s a simple way to use the internet to do a reverse number lookup query. So, if you’re a technical type, keep reading… otherwise, non-geek posts will return very soon.


It's Monday. Ummm. Monday.

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Fred with family at Thanksgiving Good morning world and welcome to the snowed in Monday morning edition of Fred Posner dot com. Let’s discuss the weekend… »