Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


The Bourbon page…

Posted . ~1min read.

Bourbon vs. Whiskey is back. That is all. =)

Tagged: bourbon


Dean Martin Bourbon Burgers

Posted . ~1min read.

I will never be as cool as Dean Martin. You also, will never be as cool as Dean Martin. Take for example, Dino’s burger recipe:

[Dean Martin Burger Recipe][1]
Dean Martin's Burger Recipe

Tagged: bourbon Dean Martin Recipe

Maker's Mark 46

Posted . ~2min read.

[][1]New Makers Mark We all know that I love Bourbon — after all, there’s a Fat Freddy Says page dedicated to the subject. Although Yeni has put a nix on my cigar smoking, I do still enjoy a good Bourbon whenever I get the opportunity.

Tagged: bourbon makers mark

Fred Likes Bourbon

Posted . ~1min read.

I do. I really, really do. And thanks to a recent trip to Kentucky, I’ve visited a place that I’ve always wanted… Jim Beam. [][1]Fred visits Jim Beam in Kentucky If you haven’t done so… check out my article on Fat Freddy Says about the difference between Bourbon vs.

Tagged: bourbon

April in Ann Arbor means Snow

Posted . ~1min read.

[Hey... I thought it was Spring!][1]
Hey… I thought it was Spring!

So, last night Michael and I caught up over a few Bourbon’s at a TGI Friday’s down the road. The last time Mike and I visited Friday’s together? 1989. Anyway… as the evening wore on, the window showed us something I thought I wouldn’t be seeing again for a while — snow. And we’re not talking “oh just a little white powder” here, we are talking big, huge, white flakes. Big ones. Coming down like the ground was Macy’s and it was a 90% off sale.

The snow continued throughout the night leaving 4 – 7 inches on the ground (depending on which paper you believe). All I know is that Yeni had to break out the winter boots (She said, “Oh, Winter Boots I thought I would not see you again… but here you are.”) and I got to de-snow the cars yet another time this year.

I will say this though… Looking at snow is nice. Dealing with it, not so much. There’s more pictures below…

Tagged: Ann Arbor bourbon esposa snow

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