Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


See you at ClueCon 2024

Posted . ~1min read.

Cluecon, a conference centered around FreeSWITCH, VoIP, and WebRTC, will be held in Chicago from August 12-15th, 2024. This year, I will present regarding running FreeSWITCH and Kamailio at scale.

Tagged: FreeSWITCH Kamailio ClueCon

Going to ClueCon2023

Posted . ~1min read.

Sometimes a public key failure ruins an apt update. Most times, it can be resolved quickly.

Tagged: FreeSWITCH ClueCon

Freeswitch 1.10.7 Released

Posted . ~1min read.

The major announcement at ClueCon 2021 was the release of FreeSWITCH 1.10.7.

Tagged: FreeSWITCH SIP Security ClueCon

Headed to ClueCon 2018

Posted . ~1min read.

It’s summer-time, very hot, very humid, and this means… it’s time for ClueCon! I’m losing track, but this year will be my fourth or fifth time attending this conference in “beautiful” Chicago.

ClueCon is a conference for developers by developers: an annual technology conference held every summer hosted by the team behind the FreeSWITCH open-source project.

Tagged: cluecon FreeSWITCH Kamailio VoIP

FreeSWITCH 1.2 Book Review

Posted . ~3min read.

I’ve recently read the new FreeSWITCH Book from Packt Publishing. I’ve ordered a few books from them in the past (FreeSWITCH 1.06, FreeSWITCH Cookbook, OpenSER, etc) and generally find them to be a great source for open source software.

Tagged: FreeSWITCH

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