Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


A2 Cloud Camp

Posted . ~1min read.

I attended Ann Arbor’s Cloud Camp yesterday at Google (in… Ann Arbor). Was a great “un-conference” about cloud computing and such. Took a few pictures and enjoyed the afternoon.

Tagged: Ann Arbor Geeky

Ann Arbor Blocks My Parking App

Posted . ~1min read.

Ann Arbor DDA, you massively fail. If you were a ship, you’d be the titanic… Can you believe in today’s world that a government agency would conspire and discuss the control of public information?

Tagged: Ann Arbor Fred Posner Geeky Perl Rant

The week that was 1/9/2009

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Yeni and Fred in Dundee Welcome to Fred’s weekly review for the first “real” week of 2009. What did Fred do this week? Will Fred stop talking in third person?

Tagged: Forrest Geeky snow

Geeky Item of the Day – Free CNAM

Posted . ~5min read.

Ok, if you use Asterisk (or a Do It Yourself type VoIP service), you sometimes do not receive the CNAM (think Caller ID with Name data) from your carrier. Well, since geeks like information and anything “free,” there’s a simple way to use the internet to do a reverse number lookup query. So, if you’re a technical type, keep reading… otherwise, non-geek posts will return very soon.

Tagged: Asterisk Geeky Perl Tech VoIP

Geeky Item of the Day

Posted . ~2min read.

[][1]Yeni Weather Script I have a new phone on my desk (or as Yeni calls it, the mesk). Why mesk? Combines messy and desk… but I digress (as usual).

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Geeky Perl polycom telephone VoIP

Movies of 2008

Posted . ~3min read.

[][1]Fred saw Iron Man in 2008 I’ve said it before — I love movies. I simply love movies. Sure, not all movies receive my love; horror films and I never got along (except I did like Scream).

Tagged: Geeky house iron man Movies Rant spider-man

No Bag of Crap for Me

Posted . ~2min read.

[][1]Ah, woot you are a tease Ah… woot, your bag of crap eludes me yet again. is an online store and community that focuses on selling cool stuff cheap.

Tagged: Fred Posner Geeky

It's Monday. Ummm. Monday.

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Fred with family at Thanksgiving Good morning world and welcome to the snowed in Monday morning edition of Fred Posner dot com. Let’s discuss the weekend…

Tagged: Ann Arbor Asterisk Cannoli FBI Fred Posner Geeky Harley-Davidson Pizza Thanksgiving VoIP

Thou Shalt Get a Carbon Monoxide Alarm

Posted . ~2min read.

Recently, Yeni and I completed an amazing 3200 mile round-trip “Expedition” from Ann Arbor to Fort Lauderdale. We drove through such landmarks as the Florida Everglades, the Appalachian Mountains, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, and more.

Tagged: Ann Arbor carbon monoxide cold esposa Geeky Movies VoIP

Headed to Arizona

Posted . ~1min read.

I’m flying from Detroit to Phoenix to attend Astrocon– a conference of Asterisk users. It’s the first time I’ve gotten to attend a conference on a product I both like and am interested in; so I’m pretty excited.

Tagged: Geeky road trip VoIP

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