Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Kamailio at Astricon 2013

Posted . ~1min read.

Peter Dunkley, Olle E Johansson, Daniel-Constantin Mierla, Fred Posner, and Klaus Darilion

Kamailio Behind NAT

Posted . ~5min read.

Using Kamailio behind NAT with centos and rtpproxy.

Tagged: Kamailio NAT

Asterisk (The Definitive Guide) 4th Edition Review

Posted . ~3min read.

Fred reviews the newest book about Asterisk, the open source PBX.

Tagged: Asterisk

Facebook: I'm Breaking Up with You

Posted . ~3min read.

After years on Facebook, its time to delete my account.

Tagged: Facebook

Marco Rubio Responds re NSA

Posted . ~2min read.

I recently wrote my state Senators and my representative to let them know I didn’t want the NSA monitoring my communications and that I did not want them monitoring any communications in such a blanket manner as currently done.

Basically, to monitor based on probably cause for specific suspects.

Tagged: NSA

John Spence: Five Keys

Posted . ~1min read.

Yeni and I have been lucky enough to get to know John Spence. John is an amazing business resource and fortunately (for us) lives in Gainesville.

Tagged: john spence

OpenCNAM for Asterisk cidnam lookup

Posted . ~2min read.

Long ago, in a world much different from today, one could check, anywho, and even google for Caller ID names. Those days are gone my friends. It’s slowly becoming a pay to play world…

I just played with a solution from OpenCNAM that was pretty freaking simple. There’s a negativeit ain’t free. The cost is nominal… $0.004/lookup. That means that $10 will get you 2500 lookups.

Tagged: Asterisk Perl

FreeSWITCH 1.2 Book Review

Posted . ~3min read.

I’ve recently read the new FreeSWITCH Book from Packt Publishing. I’ve ordered a few books from them in the past (FreeSWITCH 1.06, FreeSWITCH Cookbook, OpenSER, etc) and generally find them to be a great source for open source software.

Tagged: FreeSWITCH

Benjamin Franklin vs Barack Obama

Posted . ~2min read.

With the media finally starting to report about the massive invasions of American privacy by the US Government, Obama made his first public statement since the news of the Verizon warrant broke.

I was saddened by his comments.

In perspective, when being oppressed by a King, Benjamin Franklin wrote:

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

When question why the US Government is spying and collecting data on US Citizens, Obama stated:

It’s important to recognize that you can’t have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience.

How far we’ve come.

Tagged: Benjamin Franklin

Jawbone Jambox Reset

Posted . ~2min read.

Jawbone Jambox Reset
Let’s reset this Jambox

So, at the bakery we use the Jawbone Jambox. We actually use two of them… we have the regular Jambox (in blue of course for Yeni) and in the kitchen we have the Big Jambox.

I’ll tell you why I love the Jambox in a bit — first let me tell you what to do when your Jambox doesn’t light up or when your Jambox doesn’t respond.

Resetting the Jambox

Tagged: Bakery

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