Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

RIP Macbook Pro

Posted . ~2min read.

I should have knocked on wood.

Just the other day, literally, I posted high praises about my laptop — how long I’ve used it, the amazing quality of the hardware, and even how it’s amazing life had made me start to dislike Apple.

This afternoon, I used my Macbook in a Dentist’s waiting room. This evening, she left us with the unacceptable blank screen of death.

Tagged: Mac Apple

Ride Until You See Blue

Posted . ~1min read.

[Fred and Yeni, Daytona Beach][1]
Daytona Beach, FL

It’s the first Sunday I can remember that Yeni and I didn’t have to work. How’d we celebrate?

With a ride to Daytona Beach, FL.

Yeni had never been to Daytona Beach and we had a few hours to kill. We hopped on the Harley and rode…. until we saw blue. =)

Tagged: Yeni

Windows on Apple?

Posted . ~4min read.

One of the blogs I read religiously is Graves on SOHO Technology. Recently, Michael [Graves] posted an article about “shedding weight.”

I’ve gotten to know Michael over the years through the VoIP Users Conference. He’s a great resource to the VoIP community and takes Halloween displays to the epic level.

But I digress…

Tagged: Tech

Train at Disney World

Posted . ~1min read.

During a great trip to Disney that the esposa surprised me with, we caught a great view of a 2nd train passing. =)

Tagged: Disney

Lexmark Printer with Ubuntu 12.10

Posted . ~1min read.

This is another one of those tech articles. Recently, I started using Ubuntu 12.10 as my primary system. I didn’t want to… but that’s another story.

Tagged: ubuntu

Using NFS on Mac OS

Posted . ~2min read.

Disclaimer: This is one of those tech articles. It’s not that I hate windows, I mean I did get an MCSE and everything… its just that I find linux and mac vastly better.

The Tipping Conundrum

Posted . ~2min read.

So, the Mrs. and I (and her parents) enjoyed a very well cooked dinner at a local (and independent) restaurant here in town. The food was excellent; this is easily one of the best restaurants in town.

I enjoyed a drink (just one — I was driving), Yeni enjoyed a drink. Both were top notch.

So… when the bill came I was faced with a conundrum.

How much should I tip?

Tagged: tipping Weight Yeni

2012 Thanksgiving Message

Posted . ~3min read.

Each year, I make a Thanksgiving pilgrimage to my parent’s home in South Florida. Since I can remember, Thanksgiving has been the Holiday for my family — and when I say family, I mean the entire family. Cousins, friends, aunts, everything. My family.

I’ve been very lucky in life and have a lot to be grateful for; one of which is the continuing of this amazing tradition.

Some years, the trip seems too short. It rarely feels too long. This year, Yeni and I were able to take a few days off from the bakery and head down to South Florida for a few extra days.

I start thinking about my thanksgiving message around October… mostly just a mental outline of what I want to say. Pointless really. Every year when I sit to write the message, my mental outlines are thrown away. 

Tagged: Thanksgiving

Forget Voting, Buy Big Fred Instead

Posted . ~1min read.

Big Fred Cookie. The three words everyone waits to hear. [][1]Big Fred Cookie (dot com) Anyway… Please check out Big Fred Cookie and even better yet, order one for a friend, for a relative, for yourself, or for anyone deserving a big 2 pound cookie.

Vote Big Fred

Posted . ~1min read.

… cookie that is. 😉 Check out this amazing graphic for the Big Fred Cookie™: [][2]Vote for the Big Fred Cookie

Tagged: cookie

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