Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Monica Conyers – a great example of why government fails

Posted . ~1min read.

Last night, after watching the ER finale, the news showed me something I could not believe. The President of the Detroit City Council, Monica Conyers, provided an interview to Fox News giving a statement which I would only expect to be heard on Jerry Springer. Monica Conyers stated:

No, I did not. I did not say she needs to get a man. But does she? And not be with everyone else’s man. Does she? I am just asking you. This is what her people say about her. I don’t know. (yes, there’s a video)

New Pics are Up

Posted . ~1min read.

Today I posted some pictures on Picasa… they include: Our trip to Cabella’s (45 pictures) January 2009 (34 pictures) February 2009 (33 pictures) Disney March 2009 (46 pictures) March 2009 (15 pictures) Still to come?

Tagged: cold esposa Family Fred Posner snow

Contact Fred

Raise Taxes Michigan, Really? Really?

Posted . ~3min read.

taxreadyThe smartest thing I have ever done was not leave Florida permanently. After spending 20 plus years living and working in Florida, I’ve certainly seen my share of embarrassment. From Terry Schivo to Elian Gonzalez, the 2000 election to the Anna Nicole Smith Baby Daddy trial, Florida certainly helps give late night talk show hosts a punch line now and then.

But this isn’t a post about Florida. This is a post about two law makers in Michigan that want to raise income tax.

Right now, the State of Michigan has the highest unemployment rate in the United States. Right now (March 2009), the Michigan unemployment rate is 12%. And with GM getting ready to lay off thousands more in May, this number will rise quicker than it will fall.

Tagged: Ann Arbor Rant

Campaign For Liberty, Stop Calling Me!

Posted . ~2min read.

So, back in 2007 I actually liked what Ron Paul had to say. I liked how he answered questions, but who knows… I also liked what Ross Perot had to say.

Tagged: Rant

Ann Arbor News Says Goodbye

Posted . ~2min read.

[][1]Ann Arbor . com website The Ann Arbor News (in Ann Arbor, MI of course) recently announced it’s closure. After 174 years, the Ann Arbor News could not see a way out of economic difficulties and will be relaunching as an online media company — AnnArbor.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa

Selected Quotes about Government

Posted . ~2min read.

Dealing with Ann Arbor’s Downtown Development Authority (the A2DDA) definitely elicits an emotional response. Sadly, the happy emotions did not make the cut. Anyway, the experience finds me recollecting some of my favorite government quotes…

Tagged: Ann Arbor Rant

Benjamin Franklin, Motorcycles, and Ann Arbor Parking

Posted . ~3min read.

We’re not playing the Pyramid here, but wouldn’t that be great? Man, I miss good 70’s game shows. Give me the Pyramid and Match Game and I’m happy as can be. Anyway…

Benjamin Franklin

I’ve always liked Mr. Franklin. Some think he’s the only non-president on money… but those people probably think Mr. Hamilton was once a president. Anyway, Benjamin Franklin is perhaps my favorite American in history. I love his quotes and many of his thoughts can guide us still today.

Today’s the following Benjamin Franklin quote comes to mind:

It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.

Which brings us to…

Tagged: Ann Arbor Benjamin Franklin cold esposa Family FBI Florida Gainesville government Harley-Davidson snow

Ann Arbor Blocks My Parking App

Posted . ~1min read.

Ann Arbor DDA, you massively fail. If you were a ship, you’d be the titanic… Can you believe in today’s world that a government agency would conspire and discuss the control of public information?

Tagged: Ann Arbor Fred Posner Geeky Perl Rant

A2DDA Blocks Asterisk Parking Data

Posted . ~14min read.

Note: There’€™s an intro, the DDA response, and Fred’€™s response in this article. Jump to the end to read Fred’s response. A few months back, we posted a nice little article on using Asterisk to get Parking Space Availability from Ann Arbor garages.

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