Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


I tried to buy an iPhone

Posted . ~4min read.

I tried to buy an iPhone 15 and Apple failed multiple times.

Tagged: Mac iPhone Apple

Jawbone Jambox Reset

Posted . ~2min read.

Jawbone Jambox Reset
Let’s reset this Jambox

So, at the bakery we use the Jawbone Jambox. We actually use two of them… we have the regular Jambox (in blue of course for Yeni) and in the kitchen we have the Big Jambox.

I’ll tell you why I love the Jambox in a bit — first let me tell you what to do when your Jambox doesn’t light up or when your Jambox doesn’t respond.

Resetting the Jambox

Tagged: Bakery

RIP Macbook Pro

Posted . ~2min read.

I should have knocked on wood.

Just the other day, literally, I posted high praises about my laptop — how long I’ve used it, the amazing quality of the hardware, and even how it’s amazing life had made me start to dislike Apple.

This afternoon, I used my Macbook in a Dentist’s waiting room. This evening, she left us with the unacceptable blank screen of death.

Tagged: Mac Apple

Using NFS on Mac OS

Posted . ~2min read.

Disclaimer: This is one of those tech articles. It’s not that I hate windows, I mean I did get an MCSE and everything… its just that I find linux and mac vastly better.

Less bars in more places

Posted . ~1min read.

So, the iphone rocks in that I can update this site and facebook while driving. But as a phone? Horrible. I’m dropping calls left and right.

Tagged: iPhone road trip

New design goes live

Posted . ~1min read.

Was time for a change. Plus now I can post from anywhere using the iPhone. Like the gas station. 🙂

Tagged: gas iPhone

10 days, 0 reboots

Posted . ~1min read.

I love my Mac. I cannot believe I didn’t embrace this earlier– could be the years of windows use or the bias I felt from the training days… but I was real slow to open my heart to linux and mac’s… and now that I’m there… 2 words… Damn!

Fred buys a Mac

Posted . ~1min read.

Well, I’ve been using PC’s since 1993.. before then, I either didn’t use computers or used Apple 2’s :). Anyway, lately… I simply have not been feeling that lovey-happy-go-lucky feeling for Windows.

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