Posted . ~4min read.
When Yeni and I were dating, her apartment used Comcast for Internet. Like armies of other customers, I experienced numerous problems and after hours on the phone expressed my outrage on Twitter.
I didn’t expect assistance. I simply wasn’t happy and wanted to express my anger, to… well, to the entire world. Surprisingly, my small tweet was noticed by Comcast, who replied to me, contacted the appropriate people, and actually resolved my problem.
Shocked? So was I.
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Tomorrow is July 4th, or Independence Day here in the United States — where we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776.
At the time, what is now the United States existed as 13 colonies of Great Britain. For many reasons, none of which I’ll discuss here, the colonists decided to declare themselves a new nation, independent from British (or any other) rule, with certain unalienable Rights — including Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Recently, Yeni sent me to the grocery store to grab some milk for the bakery. So, like most people in the Sunshine State, I headed to Publix and went to the dairy case. A minute or so later, after fighting my tiredness and the tempation to buy a Twix, I slid my card through the reader and got ready to leave. When the cashier handed me the receipt, her words instantly awakened me.
“There you go,” she said, with my receipt in her extended arm.
“There I go,” I replied as I walked away.
When exactly did “There You Go” replace “Thank You?”
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Recently, Representative Ted Yoho penned an opinion piece explaining that the FCC recent reclassification of the Internet, protecting Net Neutrality, is a bad thing.
First, the Internet is not 20 years old. Dial-ups existed in the United States more than 25 years ago, but that’s another story.
The Internet was made possible today mostly from the initial support and research of tax-payer funded research, through DARPA and today exists as a globally distributed network.
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Kamailio 4.2.3 has been released.
Kamailio SIP Server v4.2.3 stable is out – a minor release including fixes in code and documentation since v4.2.2 – configuration file and database compatibility is preserved.
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Posted . ~1min read.
People Mover in 40 seconds from qxork on Vimeo.
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Ah, the American system of Cable monopolies — hate it, or really hate it. In the United States we pay more and get less than Europe, Asia, and even Estonia.
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I’ve loved Siracha for some time now… and having built up a decent tolerance over the years, would consume a pretty decent amount.
It could be the constant mentions in the news, or the Hipster love, but regardless the reason I seemed to have let my supply of the red sauce go dry… for about 6 months.
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Fair warning: this is one of those tech type posts.
Recently, I updated my system from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The upgrade was flawless, with one exception:
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It’s a crazy concept…
I feel that liberty allows us to communicate free from government interference. Whether this be business, personal, religious, or any other type of communication… our freedom of speech entitles us to freedom from monitoring our speech as well.
With information from Edward Snowden (and now William Binney), we should be very concerned over the level of interference, eavesdropping, and surveillance conducted against all society.
William Binney recently stated that the ultimate goal of the NSA was total population control.
This should concern you an you’ve been warned about this before.
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